About Vendor

Scottsdale, AZ 85251
23C-0330 Mobile Fleet Washing and Power washingContract Dates:
Award Date: 06/15/2023 Effective Date: 06/15/2023 Next Renewal: 06/15/2025 Final Expiration: 06/15/2028Mohave Contacts:
Contract Specialist:Melissa Jimenez, CPPB
Order Compliance Specialist:
Veronica Escobedo
Orders should be sent to for review.

Ace Mobile Wash, Inc. provides:
- Mobile washing services:
- Buildings
- Site Furnishings
- Interior cleaning &: sanitizing
- Exterior waxing services
- Services are only available to members in Maricopa, Pima, and Pinal Counties.
Ace Mobile Wash is Arizona's premier mobile fleet washing company specializing in school bus cleaning since 1982. Ace Mobile Wash provides quality exterior and interior washing/cleaning services for fleet vehicles and heavy equipment. We only use the finest equipment and chemicals to ensure that the jobs are done properly and safely. We guarantee customer satisfaction through our refined wash processes and our commitment to customer service. Ace Mobile Wash understands what it takes to maintain a clean fleet and the benefits that those provide to each customer. We are the mobile fleet wash "Easy Button".
Click here to go to the vendor's pricing page
Contract Documents:
Clicking on the button above link and logging in will direct you to a page containing vendor contract pricing and the following contract documentation:
- Compliance Questionnaire: A copy of the USFR Compliance Questionnaire with Mohave's response to each item. Direction is provided to confirm Mohave's response.
- RFP Determination: A copy of the written determination prepared prior to using a request for proposals. (Only applies to JOC contracts as of 7/1/14.)
- Bidders List and Bid Opening: Copies of the bidders list showing registered vendors receiving the solicitation notice, the bid or proposal receipt log substantiating the date and time bids or proposals were received, and the public opening record.
- IFB or RFP: A copy of the complete IFB or RFP. Addenda, if any, are included.
- Request for Best & Final Offer: A copy of the Request for Best & Final Offers issued for competitive sealed proposals.
- Bid or Proposal: A copy of the bid or proposal submitted by the vendor. For proposals, the vendor's best & final offer, if any, is included in this file.
- Award, Extensions and Amendments: Copies of the evaluation and award documents, contract extensions and contract amendments, if applicable.
- Pricing Summary: Document indicating where to access pricing for the contract. Also includes additional pricing comparison document used during the evaluation process.
- Due Diligence Tutorial: A step-by-step guide to assist in performing due diligence reviews of Mohave contracts.
Standard Order Contract
Contract Info Guide: | User_Guide.pdf |
Process Type: | Standard Order |
Website: | www.acemobile.com |