Featured Vendor: Gym floors

Gym, Stage, Multi-Purpose Room, and Sports Maple Hardwood Floors (New, Repair, and Restoration) Contract

Arizona Gym Floors, LLC

Arizona Gym Floors, LLC provides new Installation, restoration, and maintenance including cleaning, refinishing and repair on hardwood gym and stage floors. They provide cleaning of bleacher wheels. Inspections on hardwood gym and stage floors are provided at no charge.

About Vendor

Arizona Gym Floors, LLC has been a Mohave vendor since 1997 initially with their parent company, Superior Floor Co, Inc.

Arizona Gym Floors, LLC, specializes in wood and synthetic gym floors, new installations, repair of existing floors, sanding & refinishing, and yearly screening and recoating.

All of Arizona Gym Floors, LLC’s work qualifies for a continuing warranty. Once a new floor is installed, sanded, refinished, or screened and recoated; the entire floor is warranted against defects.

Arizona Gym Floors, LLC frequently is awarded work every year from repeat satisfied customers. Please refer to the Arizona Gym Floors web site for references and feel free to contact anyone to see what the Arizona Gym Floors difference is.

Main Contact:

Zechariah Smithson
Phone: (602) 809-9778

Mohave Contract:


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