PUBLIC’S RIGHT TO KNOW/FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Form K-001E:MOHAVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES COOPERATIVE, INC. – REQUEST FOR INSPECTION OF PUBLIC RECORDS Name *OrganizationStreet *Apartment, suite, etcCity *State *Zip Code *Phone *Email Address *Requested by date:Please note that Mohave will make reasonable efforts to get the information by the requested date, however, no guarantee is implied.Nature of Request *Review records (no original record may leave the custodian’s office)Copies of records (a fee may be assessed based on the scope and usage of the request)Records requested *Request Type *Personal UseCommercial PurposeFor the purposes of this section, “commercial purpose” means the use of a public record for the purpose of sale or resale or for the purpose of producing a document containing all or part of the copy, printout or photograph for sale or the obtaining of names and addresses from public records for the purpose of solicitation or the sale of names and addresses to another for the purpose of solicitation or for any purpose in which the purchaser can reasonably anticipate the receipt of monetary gain from the direct or indirect use of the public record. Commercial purpose does not mean the use of the public record as evidence or as research for evidence in an action in any judicial or quasi-judicial body.Provide the details of commercial use *Acknowledge *I have read and acknowledge Mohave's Public's Right to Know/Freedom of Information regulation and that the submitted information is true and correct. Submit RequestPlease do not fill in this field.